There are so many options for working with fabric. Embroidery, pattern construction, soft sculpture, plush, wearable art, pin cushions and sewing tools.... the list is endless and I intend to try them all. Then there is fabric creation in crochet, knitting, weaving.... whew! I'm working my way through these, but I have a lot of learning to do. I also love to dye, stamp, embroider, embellish, and of course sew the daylights out of the fabrics I find.
I love to find lovely pre-loved fabrics. Unlike new, I feel compelled to continue the story of where it has been without a thought to what it was. A woolen blazer, a man's shirt, a bright knit, they bring a story with them. I feel especially compelled to dye, rip, felt and mangle them until they are altogether something new. I love old table clothes, hankercheifs and cloth that has been touched by an artist from another time. Crochet doilies and knit sweaters all carry the heart of an artist with them. The uneven edges, stains, and button holes create a challenge in their shape. They demand a challenging thought process. They inspire problem solving and forgiveness. They need other fabrics to make them larger and whole.
I also adore the hunt for a new fabric. It is a blank slate. I get to make it conform to me and my idea. A trip to the store is a lovely adventure. I am intoxicated by all the colors and weaves. I wonder how far I can push one fabric to work when another would be more ideal. So many possibilities. In reality, I often find the clearance table and dig for something amazing. A rich wool comes home in half yard increments- a delightful cotton print by the yard. The more I can bring home, the more I dream.
So, in choosing, touching, twisting, pleating, runching, fraying and stitching, the fabric and I begin our journey. What will become of our collaboration is anyone's guess. I hope to share with you some of my works, my processes, my techniques and my projects. I hope you enjoy them and they inspire you to create something from your hands and your dreams.
Don't get me started on threads, yarns, trims, buttons, etc.... well just not today. Much more to come!
Please visit my Etsy shop to see more of my works-
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